Concurrent Abilities vs Ability Blocking


New member
I'm noticing that the MoveTowards ability override the ShouldBlockAbilityStart method, and prevents all non-item abilities from starting if they are lower than it in the ability stack. However, I also see that there is an overridable property IsConcurrent:bool, which is documented as allowing an ability to bypass the priority system and permit the ability to be placed anywhere in the stack. However, it looks like ShouldBlockAbilityStart supersedes IsConcurrent.

Is this intentional? Or is it a bug? If it's intentional, can someone explain the intent behind this choice, as it creates some complications when adding the MoveTowards ability dynamically at runtime to the ability list.

This is intentional - just because an ability can run at the same time as another ability doesn't mean that the other ability should be able to start.