Climb up from hang


In the agility pack there is a hang ability. It says that the you are not able to climb up. How can I do that ?

Is it possible to combine the hang ability with a climbing addon to achieve that ?
Hang allows you to pull yourself up and end the ability. If you want to climb a wall I recommend looking at the free climb ability. If that doesn't work for your situation then you'll need to create a new ability that combines free hanging with climbing.
In the climbing addon, there seems to be an issue or I am not doing it correctly. I am pressing F near that obstacle. It does not seems to work.
Please create a new thread for new topics. This has also been fixed in the latest release of the controller.
After updating to newer version the demo scene started working.

Here is the scene I have created. I have put object from the demo scene. The player was able to climb up that object. I have put another object that I have setup same way. Added the object identifier 502 for short climb. Some how the player is not able to climb on that. I have no idea whats going on here :

Your video is private. This is a guess, but make sure you have added the climb animations to the animator controller that you are using. Also check to ensure the ability activates when you expect it to.
I have changed video to be public.

Yes, I have the animations in the animator. It is the same ClimbeDemo animator.
Yes, the ability is showing active, but it stays active. I noticed that the animation is not playing in the animator. Is it something to do with the AbilityFloatData ? This is one of the condition to play the animation.

It is possible to keep my head not move up and down while moving ?
Ah, now I see. Your character proportions are different from Atlas so the animation is causing more movement compared to what it does for Atlas. The proper fix for this would be to have your own climbing animations that match your character so it moves the correct amount.
The same character was able to climb on the object to the left but not able to climb on the object to the right.

Also, the second question you have not answered. How to make the head don't move up and down while moving
My guess is that your right object doesn't have an object identifier so the ability doesn't know to start. Take a look at the right object and compare the properties to the left object.

Also, the second question you have not answered. How to make the head don't move up and down while moving
Please create new threads for a new topic. This helps others search if they have the same question. With that said, it's either related to the weights on the CharacterIK component or the animations.
It has object identifier 502 as I mentioned in my messages above.

What I noticed it does not go into any of those 3 animation (short, medium, high) . The ability remains active.
In that case check the Animator Controller to see what state it is stuck in. If the parameters are correct then you may need to adjust the animator to be able to transition to the climb state.
What I found out that It is because of AbilityFloatData was not working. What is a AbilityFloatData ? How are determining what values to put in the Amimator Controller ?
The AbilityFloatData specifies the height of the object in this case. You can debug this by opening the ShortClimb ability and seeing what it is setting the AbilityFloatData to. m_Height should be the height of the object.