Cinemachine issues


New member
So decided to try and get cinemachine working for 3rd person as it'd make other camera issues simpler. Followed the instructions (am using UCC3, new input). No errors, but first issue I had (am using adventure mode) is that there was no camera control with right stick, to counter that issue I added Cinemachine Input Provider and that sort of worked after I'd experimented a bit (inverted Y axis, un-inverted X axis), created a single look input action for X/Y axis and fed Mouse Y to to Z axis.
I also put heading definition as Target Forward - again no information about correct choice vis a vis the UCC extension.
This step wasn't mentioned but I cannot see another way of making the camera work.

Below is how I set up the Third Person Cinemachine. TBH I find it super confusing - have no idea what contradicts what on the cinemachine freelook, there's no mention in the instructions about whether User Character Look Direction should be used or what anything does really.


Eventually got it working but even then it looked awful initially - camera springing up and down - so did a fair amount of work with dampening so that it was viewable. Finally after a lot of work the camera is okay but the character looks like it is animating off speed (have cinemachine set to fixed update) and I drop about 8-10 fps compared to just using regular UCC camera in adventure mode.

So am I doing something wrong or is it broken?

Finally as someone who has used UCC for a while it is really frustrating that when you go to a download page for extensions there is no piece of mind that you are actually downloading UCC3 extensions. Could you mark the files so that we know which version of UCC they are for?
The cinemachine integration works by taking the position and rotation from the CinemachineBrain and applying that to the Camera Controller. The springs are additive so if you don't have any spring forces then it won't apply it. With that said, can you record a video so I can see what your character is doing? I'm not visualizing what results you are getting.

Finally as someone who has used UCC for a while it is really frustrating that when you go to a download page for extensions there is no piece of mind that you are actually downloading UCC3 extensions. Could you mark the files so that we know which version of UCC they are for?
The downloads page is based off of your invoice number and the listed packages will only be for the version that you entered your invoice number for.