Character’s head is always facing south direction


New member
Character's head and arms are always "looking" at mouse position (south if there’s no cursor/iOS build) but body is facing movement direction. I need character to be fully controlled with virtual or physical joystick, including view direction eg. head. So basically, charcaters goes to one direction, but his head look at some invisible point. it’s the same in editor, macOS and iPadOS/iOS.
My setup is:
  • Controller = Third Person Character Controller
  • View Type = Third Person Top Down
  • Movement Type = Third Person Top Down
  • Relative Camera Movement = true
  • Look in Move Direction = true
for arms it was the same as for head but I have solved it by changing arms IK weigth to 0. Same trick does not work for head.
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If you disable IK does it work? It sounds like IK is adjusting the look direction according to the view type and that direction isn't what you are expecting. The direction is determined within the ViewType's LookDirection method.
If you disable IK does it work? It sounds like IK is adjusting the look direction according to the view type and that direction isn't what you are expecting. The direction is determined within the ViewType's LookDirection method.
Should I override this method you think?
The problem that look direction is different for a body and a head. Will check the method, but ginna try disabling IK first.
You don't need to override it - that's just where the direction is coming from. It should help for debugging in order to figure out why the upper body is facing in the way that it is.
You don't need to override it - that's just where the direction is coming from. It should help for debugging in order to figure out why the upper body is facing in the way that it is.
Disabling IK helped, but I wonder if I should keep it disabled forever? Is this possible to disable upper body only?
You can set the weights on the CharacterIK component to disable the upper body. But I'm interested in seeing more what is going on - to reproduce it I just need to enable virtual controls with a top down setup?
You can set the weights on the CharacterIK component to disable the upper body. But I'm interested in seeing more what is going on - to reproduce it I just need to enable virtual controls with a top down setup?
Top down view type + top down movement type + look in moving direction on + ik enabled + sword. Controls type does not matter.