Change character capsule collider layer breaks Item pickup


Active member
In my offline projects I use the rag doll colliders to put in the "Character health" script for additional multiplier on damage for this colliders. This dosent seem to work with PUN am I correct?

As soon as I change the players capsule collider to another layer, I can no longer pick up items in game. Is the capsule collider the only collider that can be hit and register damage over the network?

As soon as i set the layer on the capsule collider game object to "Character" everything works as normal. Is there a way to change this layer and still be enable to pick up items and take dmg etc?


Instead of changing the characters layer I recommend changing the pickup layer to work with your characters collision matrix.
Instead of changing the characters layer I recommend changing the pickup layer to work with your characters collision matrix.
If I cant change the capsule collider layer, how should I be enable to use the ragdoll colliders as damage multipliers? Since my weapons wont ignore the CapsuleCollider on the Shootable weapon scripts.

My collision matrix allows collisions between every layer:

But as soon as I change CapsuleCollider to CapsuleCollider layer, or any layer for that matter, none of the weapon pick ups work. The health pickup seems to still be working tho...