[Bug] Aim causes animation problems when reloading.


1. Create a new project with Unity 2021.3.13f1.
2. Download and install Third Person Controller 3.0.4.
3. Run the Demo scene and find Atlas(Clone)/Items/AssaultRifleWeapon.
4. Set the clip size to 1 for a quick test.
5. Click the Aim button continuously during the reload animation. May cause the following animation error.
GIF 2022-12-10 19-33-28.gif
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Good catch, I saw that issue before but had a hard time replicating it. Your repo steps helped.
I think it might be related to a bug in the Animator Controller.

I noticed that while reloading the assault rifle, the Rocket Launcher animation would sometimes get activated. Turns out a condition was missing on the Aim state

After making that change I was no longer able to reproduce your issue