BD and UCC 3 Last Position doesn't update

I'm using UCC3 with the UIS and BD packages, with all integrations imported.
I've set up a behavior tree just like the example UCC2/BD example scene that I found (ThirdPersonShooterScene). I've checked through everything there multiple times, and my behavior tree matches that one to a T.

The warning that I get is the following:
Rigidbody is null
UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning (object)
BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.Tasks.Unity.UnityRigidbody.GetPosition:OnUpdate () (at Assets/Plugins/Behavior Designer/Runtime/Tasks/Unity/Rigidbody/GetPosition.cs:31)

And when I monitor my Global Variables in game mode, I see that the Last Position variable doesnt update, it just stays at 0, 0, 0, and the RigidBody is null is triggered when the agent Can See my player.

Is there a UCC3/BD integration download somewhere on the downloads page, so that I can check my character and behavior tree against the new version? Or can somebody tell me exactly why the Last Position isnt updating?
The "Rigidbody is null" error appears when GetComponent can't find the component that it is looking for. The Rigidbody is on the main character controller object so make sure you are using that for the target GameObject. If you place a breakpoint within the task you should see it trying to get the component from the agent GameObject.

Is there a UCC3/BD integration download somewhere on the downloads page, so that I can check my character and behavior tree against the new version? Or can somebody tell me exactly why the Last Position isnt updating?
There is an integration with the character controller if you enter your Behavior Designer invoice number. In this case though you can use the Rigidbody position or Transform position and no specific integration is required.
Oh, I have a rigid body set up on my character, so I'm still fishing around to see what's wrong.
What I noticed while checking out the UCC2/BD sample scene is that both Nolan and Agent Nolan GameObjects have their Mass and Constraints being changed at runtime. Do you know which script is doing that, and why?
It is likely the Ultimate Character Locomotion component. With that said, that would not affect if the Rigidbody is null. I recommend placing a breakpoint in the task to see what GameObject is being used.