Annoying issue with flashlight


New member
Hi there! I'm using First Person Controller 2.3.2 on Unity 2020.3.6f1. I updated from FPC 2.2.8, where I had a player with a flashlight item equiped, it worked flawlessly, but after upgrading (and following the update guide) the player can't turn off the flashlight. I know it sounds like a very basic issue, but I tried even on an empty, new project and I still can't turn the flashlight off.
What can block the flashlight from turning off? I tried button start/stop for the use ability, manual start/stop using TryStartAbility/TryStopAbility, but none of them seems to work.
Any ideas about what could be happening here? Any help is appreciated!
Hm if you enable logging item parameter changes on the Animator Monitor, do you see any parameter changes when attempting to turn it off? Do you get any warning/error messages when trying to manually start/stop?
Hm if you enable logging item parameter changes on the Animator Monitor, do you see any parameter changes when attempting to turn it off? Do you get any warning/error messages when trying to manually start/stop?
Thanks for your quick reply! No, I don't get warning or error messages, only logs. This in on a newly created character, using Nolan. When I manually stop using TryStopAbility, I get the last log, but nothing seems to change in game. The flashlight is set within the default Item Set, in slot 0.

Doing a little more testing and debugging, when the flashlight is enabled (turned on) for the first time, StartItemUse and ToggleFlashlight methods on Flashlight.cs are called, but when manually stopping it, ToggleFlashlight doesn't seem to be called.
Also, when using button up stop type (the default value), I don't get the last log as the picture above.
Solved! My bad. When creating the Flashlight item I forgot to set the state configuration profile ?‍♂️
Thanks Andrew for your support! Was a dumb mistake of mine.