animator help needed -- animation is overridden


I've created a simple item that the character pushes in front of him when equipped -- think old fashioned push lawn mower. My animation is dead simple -- essentially, just the arms sticking out in front and holding the item's bar. I've added a substate animation to the arms layer using simply the item's animator id as the condition. For now I don't care if the character is crouching or reloading, or anything -- when he's equipped, he's just supposed to push this thing around.

When I run it in game and equip, the animation fires but then keeps resetting (watching this in animator)-- like maybe the state keeps changing and it is starting over?

The result is that the characters arm swing from side to side, instead of hanging straight out, zombie style. What am I doing wrong?

FWIW I am basing my work on the demo controller...

Sorry, not near PC. Two things to look at: i) does the transition allow transition to self in the transition settings (stop it, since the only criteria is itemID and this is presumably constant it will keep starting) ; ii) I can't remember if there is an associated bool like Ability Change, but for Slot0Item change.
Thanks, that got me on the right track, but now I'm stuck on a new problem. I'll mark this a s solved though and open a new question.