Melee Zooming


Hi was wondering does anyone know how I could do a different camera zoom in effect with a melee weapon(Body). I still want to allow zooming but not as much as all other weapons. I thought about using a state with FOV on the actual weapon but none have that except for the main camera.
You can use the state system to change the field of view depending on which weapon you are using. In the demo scene the sniper rifle uses a different field of view, using the state system:

I know I can use FOV state but I don't know where to put it. The only FOV I have seen is on the camera but I don't know how to activate the state from there. Can you please give me a step by step guide on how to. I have looked at the demo scene but I still don't know how it's activated.
This is part of the documentation:

The State System is an incredibly powerful system built into the Ultimate Character Controller. Any game will have the character switching between component values as they play the game. For example, let's take a simple case of zooming the camera by changing the field of view. When the Aim ability is active it could manually set the field of view, but what if you want a different zoom for the assault rifle versus the sword? Normally you’d have to manually add a case for the assault rifle (or sword) and add that to the Aim ability so when the ability is activated it correctly switches field of view. As your game grows this would be a very tedious process. The State System simplifies this by moving much of the work into the editor and solving runtime blending automagically.

Now it does not say how to do it.

I thought this was saying in the aim ability it will activate the FOV but I tried everything and nothing is working. There is a real need for an in-depth tutorial because that short tutorial on state system doesn't tell you anything.
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I put Body with FOV of 55 in the camera, now when I put Body on the item it gets activated straight away how do you activate it only when your aiming.
I'm still not getting this. I did see a post say you have to like put the name of the weapon in front of Zoom or Aim but I tried BodyZoom and BodyAim with no luck. Body is my melee unarmed.
I worked it out I did the wrong name for the item thats why I wasn't getting the results I should have been getting. It's all good now. But it was failed to be said about the state names. I had to find it by searching. It doesn't even say that in the manual.