Recent content by Yannick

  1. Y

    TypeLoadException Error When Game gameObject Selected on the Hierarcy

    I also have the same error: TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 0100000b (from typeref, class/assembly Opsive.Shared.Editor.Utility.InspectorUtility, Opsive.Shared.Editor.Utility, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)...
  2. Y

    Which schema to use to create a rpg style menu like FF15

    Thanks I will look into those. I just saw too that the doc explain how to render a character in the menu like FF15 and genshin. Not too sure yet how to fully animate them from a render texture... but the base seem to be there ;)
  3. Y

    Which schema to use to create a rpg style menu like FF15

    Hi, I am trying to create a main menu like the one of FF15 with many different submenus opening inside the same layout. Which schema is best for this? Classic or RPG? I am not using grids and the windows open fullscreen exactly like ff15 and other similar games and you can't move or select the...
  4. Y

    How to have multiple inventory and a share inventory at the same time?

    As requested on Discord, I will explain what I am trying to do here. I have 3 characters existing at the same time in the same world (same scene) and each have their own inventory. We access it from the same main menu in which you can see 3 vertical panels (buttons) that opens up the individual...