Recent content by vasepo

  1. V

    How to change global variables in BT?

    my solution is to make custom action task. public class CountAdd : Action { public SharedInt count; public override TaskStatus OnUpdate() { count.Value += 1; return base.OnUpdate(); } }
  2. V

    How to change global variables in BT?

    i want to make BT like the following codes. int count = 0; // global variable int maxCount = 10; // global variable while( count < maxCount ){ count = count + 1; // how to convert this code to BT task? Debug.Log( count ); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); }...
  3. V

    BehaviorManager created two

    i changed time when calling bt.EnableBehavior() from GameObject.OnEnable() to Some method. it works fine. Another BehaviorManager was not created. i don't know why. BehaviorManager is snigletone?
  4. V

    BehaviorManager created two

    i have macbook pro. i pulled same sources. and then i played Unity. BehaviorManager weren't created one more. sources are same between macbook and desktop. i got confused.
  5. V

    BehaviorManager created two

    i added BehaviorManager into Script Execution Order before default time. but when runnnig Unity, BehaviorManager is created another when CanSeeObject task executed. um. i searched old posts. you said the solution is Adding Script Execution Order. but it didn't work for me. my situation is...