Recent content by torrefaction

  1. T

    UCC Integration

    So, I'm struggling a bit out of the gate with how everything is defined. I feel like I can see the path towards integration, but I keep hitting little quirks. For instance, I'm trying to call the InventorySystemManager from Character Builder (after being passed from UMACharacterBuilder). I...
  2. T

    UCC Integration

    After some more experimentation, it DOES look like the problems are rooted in two issues. 1.)Expectations from Ultimate Inventory on the character at start. If I make sure the model exists when the bridge component and/or inventory component are run, I seem to not be hitting those conflicts...
  3. T

    UCC Integration

    Right now, my first thought was that I could just replace the base UCC inventory component, but I'm not seeing any examples or obvious ways to add the Inventory component and populate the data and collections. Am I missing something in the documentation around that?
  4. T

    UCC Integration

    So, I see some areas things may be going wrong, but I'm not certain of the right approach to take. I'm using UCC with the UMA Integration. I'm using UMA Character Builder fine, but the problem is the character builder adds both the item structure and traditional inventory, and doesn't separate...
  5. T

    UCC Integration

    I'll check it out, but locomotion works just fine until the moment I add the bridge. I have both A* with behavior designer navigating AI as well as UCC working fine on the Avatar. The second I add the bridge, the scene goes kinda haywire. I tried it with that conversion method you described as...
  6. T

    UCC Integration

    I'm struggling a bit with the UCC integration so far. Everything seems okayish until I add the system bridge component. It chokes right after start on initialization. I haven't even gotten to the point of adding items, outside of attempting to follow the demoscript using the empty database. Once...
  7. T

    UMA 2 - Howto

    So, for anyone else who may hit this issue...if your character is consistently disabling the items and losing the inventory, but the model appears in the hierarchy appropriately, simply make sure Yolan's script is at the bottom of the execution order. (There's probably a more clever way to...
  8. T

    UMA 2 - Howto

    When you say that they don't come by default, do you mean that default loadouts aren't working for you, and you're initializing the items at runtime? Seems like I could just extend Yolan's script if that's the case.
  9. T

    UMA 2 - Howto

    Did you have any problems with weapon mapping/equipping? I seem to ALMOST be able to get things to work, but I'm seeing some oddities with IK that I think are leading to some subsequent failures to equip. I can spawn with the controller, run around...aim zooms properly, UMA seems to work. But...
  10. T

    Mixamo/Fuse characters fall though the floor

    Are you using Gaia or Unity terrain system? Make sure your solid objects layer on your character has *all* the solid objects you'll collide with. I've got my Gaia terrain on it's own layer, for instance. I had to make sure to set Solid Objects to include the Terrain layer. (I hit the same issue...
  11. T

    Astar pathfinding?

    Awesome. Thanks for the response Justin. The other question I have, which I hadn't there a work around with Behavior Designer? If the timeframe is that short, I have plenty of other systems to work...but AI movement is at the core of a lot of what I'm the tighter the...
  12. T

    Astar pathfinding?

    I'm not opposed to starting the glue myself, but if you're working on would seem real dumb for me to reinvent the wheel :)
  13. T

    Astar pathfinding?

    Do you have any idea on timelines on when you would be delivering this integrations? I had some moderately functional controllers of my own. I decided after a lot of evaluation to pick up Behavior Designer, BD Movement Pack, and UCC TPS. I felt like I'd have a really solid framework, but since...