Recent content by Tarball

  1. T

    Trouble with Rewired

    Thanks Justin, I think I'll just roll my own then and use Ootii's camera system. I think it will be faster and less of a headache. But for future reference, the UMA integration only works with native Unity input. When you try to add Rewired, it all breaks down. Cheers.
  2. T

    Trouble with Rewired

    Before I go any further, maybe I should ask if TPC has a movement type similar to dark souls or 3rd person skyrim. It looks like it's just "third person adventure" and "third person combat." Forgive me for not reading the 300 page manual. I may be trying to force a square peg into a round hole...
  3. T

    Trouble with Rewired

    Yeah, I don't think so. I'm pretty sure it is as I said earlier that in Adventure.cs If you look back to the base classes, there is no getcomponent in awake or start for m_CharacterLocomotion. I don't want to do some Find(tag="Character") hack if there is a better way, but I don't know the...
  4. T

    Trouble with Rewired

    Thank you, I'll give it a shot and let you know.
  5. T

    Trouble with Rewired

    Try importing the updated UMA and Rewired into a new project with TPC, and you'll see what I mean. Yes, the first error I listed is in fact the first error output to the console when I press play. However, it is the 1st and 2nd errors that are repeated, while the 3rd error prints only once...
  6. T

    Trouble with Rewired

    Yes of course I have been adding rewired. The problem is that when using UMA and Rewired together, your UMA integration wants to add and use native Unity input. That's why I commented out that line -- to prevent it from adding it. However, now I get these errors. Here is the stack trace after...
  7. T

    Trouble with Rewired

    I found the problem. UMA was adding the Unity Input Script at runtime. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. The thing is, I'm not sure how to prevent this behavior. I'm using the UMA Character Builder script included in UMA integration. Edit: I commented out line 168 of...
  8. T

    Trouble with Rewired

    As far as I know, I have removed the Unity component and replaced it with Rewired. I still get the errors telling me to map Unity Input Manager. You say to remove it. How do I remove it?
  9. T

    Trouble with Rewired

    I can't seem to make third person controller work with rewired. I downloaded the integration kit, and I place "Rewired UCC Input Manager" in the scene and removed the event system, but I still get errors that countless abilities are not explicitly listed in Unity Input Manager. I'm a little...