Recent content by Stormi

  1. S

    Warning: Serialization depth limit 10 exceeded

    Thanks for trying to help. I'll focus for now on the "Depth limit" warnings, since they appear at every compile when loading unity or after saving a script as well as every time I start the game. The "Recursive Serialization" errors only appear once in a while, so maybe whatever causes the other...
  2. S

    Warning: Serialization depth limit 10 exceeded

    What I find weird though is, that even if I remove all my own scripts from the project for test purposes, the warning messages still appear, so I am a bit lost in regards to where else I should look. Also tried to reset the "Types" under Unit Options to default with no changes to the warning...
  3. S

    Warning: Serialization depth limit 10 exceeded

    Hi Santiago, I am not sure if this is UIS related or general Unity stuff (wasn't able to find the cause until now), so I thought, I'd at least ask if you got an idea where these warnings could come from suddenly:
  4. S

    Question: Custom Exchange and Crafting

    The question was not in regards to getting an item if I know the slot but the other way around. If I have the item as variable, is there an easy way to retrieve which itemslotindex it is sitting in?
  5. S

    Question: Custom Exchange and Crafting

    This would be something I'd like to hear for items currently equipped and thus within the equipment itemslot collection :) Of course you can always filter through the ItemSlots and compare until whatever Item you have equals the item within a particular slot, but if there is something built-in...
  6. S

    UI Designer: Item Hotbar Cooldown and Drag/Drop Selection Preview

    Worked like a charm (after a few tries) :D Thanks a lot, Santiago. I even used the itemHotbar.GetItemAt() you provided HERE. I basically ended up doing the following in case someone else want's to do the same / something similar: I created a custom script "HotbarControl" and attached it to the...
  7. S

    UI Designer: Item Hotbar Cooldown and Drag/Drop Selection Preview

    1) As always super input, thank you Santiago, I really appreciate it very much. I now created individual drop handlers for Equipment/Inventory, Abilities & Hotbar. By adding a "From Collection" condition on top of the smart exchange I was able to get the desired result, meaning a slot is...
  8. S

    UI Designer: Item Hotbar Cooldown and Drag/Drop Selection Preview

    While I still need to add all the individual abilities, I found a way to fully utilize UIS for my ability system by using a combination of unique item categories, item actions and custom code. The abilities are set up as items within their own categories. For each subcategory I have a custom...
  9. S

    Retrieve Item from Hotbar

    I had to also add the namespaces "Opsive.Shared.Game" and "Opsive.UltimateInventorySystem.UI.Panels.ItemViewSlotContainers" to the InventorySystemManager Script but aside from that, it worked like a charm, thanks a lot. I can now set up abilities by creating items for them in a unique category...
  10. S

    Block Raycast with UI

    Just wanted to get back here and say thanks for the suggestions. I was able to get the desired outcome with a custom script and the use of SetPreviousPanel(). So now I can use my referenced hotkeys (currently I = inventory, K = abilities, E = equipment) to open these individual panels via...
  11. S

    Retrieve Item from Hotbar

    I am trying to set up an ability system within the inventory system by using separate item categories/definitions and filling these with all the relevant attributes I need to trigger the animations, particle effects etc. In general I see absolutely no reason, why I should not end up with a...
  12. S

    Getting Item informations when performing Action

    It was indeed too early apparently. I am not sure why, as the execution order of everything from what I could see shouldn't interfer here, but when I for test purposes did throw the same code into update - even the first log entry referenced the helmet already, so apparently it simply has to be...
  13. S

    Block Raycast with UI

    In hindsight that actually makes sense and was probably something I could have thought of myself, sorry for that. Changing the target to the panelOwnerGameObject does notice the events now. The only thing I find weird is the following: - Having nothing open...
  14. S

    Getting Item informations when performing Action

    I tried your suggestions, Santiago, but I only got so far. For testing purposes I have this in Awake() var playerInventory = InventorySystemManager.GetInventoryIdentifier(1).Inventory; var equipper = playerInventory.gameObject.GetCachedComponent<Equipper>(); var equippedItem =...
  15. S

    Block Raycast with UI

    Unfortunately I seem to struggle a bit too much with this after all. I checked the documentation but there still is something that I do not get fully (which for sure is my lack of experience here as there are plenty of good comments everywhere). What I did so far is create a new script and...