Recent content by Silvermurk

  1. Silvermurk

    [Solved]Topdown non-linar targetting

    Removing my question, it`s allready implemented in TopDown camera mode with "Vertical Look Direction" bool
  2. Silvermurk

    [Solved]Topdown non-linar targetting

    Good day, a quick question if anyone can help: Is there a way while using UCC`s TopDown mode to aim "up\down" the hill? Like 30 degree above or below character? Kind of choosing a mode for a project and need "semi-topdown" with hills and terrain. Would appritiate any advice:)
  3. Silvermurk

    Orbit task

    Looks like i need to be more exact in wording:) I was looking for a way to implement orbit rotation throu navmesh. But failed to do so and had to use Transform.RotateAround. So was asking maybe you, or someone else, can help me make it throu navmesh instead of transform methods.
  4. Silvermurk

    Orbit task

    Good day everyone. Kind of first experiance with BD tasks, so... I made an moving target orbit script that does it`s job throu transform.position update. But i don`t seem to find a way to turn it to BD task, but allready read manuals about that. Also can`t think of a way to add a Falure task...
  5. Silvermurk

    UCC minimum setup for Damage, Health and Pooling

    Greetings Justin) Can you please tell me what`s a bare minimum of UCC not for a player character, but for a health component and damage system usage? Need a projectile, health, pool and damage events from TPC for "Make an AI game". Movement and AI are completed in Behaviour Designer, and whole...
  6. Silvermurk

    Problem with pickup - equip

    Tryed to add as default, same story. Assault rifle is listed, but never equipped( No errors thou
  7. Silvermurk

    Problem with pickup - equip

    Greetings and thanks for all your work on TPC-UCC) I`m haveing a problem with pickups - somewhy ones i drop from demo scene prefabs won`t equip. I created character via wizard, added PickupItem ability, added VFX layer to trigger. And it actually picks up items, inventory script shows them...