Recent content by PHNTMbandit

  1. P

    Null Reference Exception Error - Dropdown bar

    Checked the link and deleted my cache, can confirm it's working now. Thanks again!
  2. P

    Null Reference Exception Error - Dropdown bar

    Also getting this error at runtime Invalid editor window Opsive.Shared.Editor.UIElements.FilterWindow UnityEditor.EditorApplicationLayout:FinalizePlaymodeLayout ()
  3. P

    Null Reference Exception Error - Dropdown bar

    I'm using version 2020.2.2f1 I got the following error on importing but then deleted the script GeneratedStubs then regenerated through reset default in Unit Options window Assets\Opsive\UltimateInventorySystem\Stubs\GeneratedStubs.cs(35,70): error CS0718: 'Random': static types cannot be used...
  4. P

    Null Reference Exception Error - Dropdown bar

    I get the following console error whenever I try to interact with the category attribute type dropdown bar. This happens with all the other dropdown UI elements in the inventory manager window. Can you please advise as to what I should do? Thanks NullReferenceException: Object reference not...