Recent content by nuttyape

  1. N

    enable to disable object when 0 ammo count

    Hi all, With shootableweapon script there is events for on equip on hit on drop etc, Is there a way to add this to when ammo count = 0? I am trying to have it so a object with a scrip on it will turn on with the item being equipped, disable when the item is equipped and then disable of the...
  2. N

    Hit reaction manager

    Hi Justin, I'm not the developer :)
  3. N

    Hit reaction manager

    progress, more than one target working, need to work with getting it to work while moving/animated no luck so far with emerald AI.
  4. N

    Hit reaction manager

    Work in progress, Code to follow
  5. N

    Integration Requests

    Hi Everyone. Being stupid, I would love cherish and ADORE anyone that could help me with intigrating hit reaction manager Working on a survival shooter where this asset would really bring to life...