Recent content by MostHated

  1. MostHated

    Opsive Foundation [RPG Framework]

    I am extremely interested in this. I currently own and have played around with MMORPG Kit, because the server architecture is distributed, but also because of its modularity and the fact it uses LiteNet, which I am a big fan of. The only issue really is the lack of UCC integration. What is the...
  2. MostHated

    Chronos with UCC?

    Perhaps Chronos could just tap into the already present time scale attributes that are present? I would also imagine that one the authoritative aspect is fully implemented and documented it might be easier for an integration to come to light. I would definitely be interested in this as well.
  3. MostHated

    Integration Requests

    I would imagine Inventory Pro is not going to receive an integration as DevDog said they are not going to be doing any more for it either, but Justin said a Rucksack integration would be coming. As for integrations I would like to see, I was pretty happy with most of the ones that TPC already...
  4. MostHated

    Version 2 Released!

    Wewt. : D