Recent content by LunarExGames

  1. LunarExGames

    Third Person Controller & Puppetmaster not working - no puppetmaster on collision

    @Justin Thank you for your help - working good now! Just in case people ran into the same thing - this is where I found the issue in both 2018 & 2019 where it was unchecked even with a fresh install. Once I checked it, back to good.
  2. LunarExGames

    Third Person Controller & Puppetmaster not working - no puppetmaster on collision
  3. LunarExGames

    Third Person Controller & Puppetmaster not working - no puppetmaster on collision

    It looks like there was an extra box unchecked in the Physics - once I selected that box (it was in the ragdoll top, collision left, that was unchecked) it seemed to work! Thanks for pointing in the direction for layers. Though I do have a question now that Puppetmaster is working. When the...
  4. LunarExGames

    Third Person Controller & Puppetmaster not working - no puppetmaster on collision

    Hello. I've followed the instructions on setting up Puppetmaster with Third Person Controller but having issues- using this guide... I've started the project from scratch several times - tried...