Recent content by Loran

  1. L

    Top-Down Character Controller with Gamepad

    Ok, this will prevent the mouse location from being retrieved. But will it enable the right joystick of the gamepad?
  2. L

    The same field name is serialized multiple times in the class or its parent class.

    Well done :)(y) I permanently have two Inspectors open, one normal and one debug. (I'll keep them and ignore the error messages) Thank you @Justin
  3. L

    The same field name is serialized multiple times in the class or its parent class.

    I have frequently this error in the editor with my projects using UCC. It's not blocking but it's very annoying :) It appears when I select any object having an UCC MonoBehavior : Camera, Game, Character and any sub-object of the Character. Errors messages do no appear when I reselect the...
  4. L

    Top-Down Character Controller with Gamepad

    Hi, I'm using UCC top-down character controller. It works well with WASD+Mouse but it doesn't work with a gamepad: the character moves with the left joystick but it doesn't rotate with the right joystick. You can reproduce the bug with the demo scene in the top-down area. Unity 2021.3.15f1...