Recent content by lennon

  1. L

    Wait until coroutine is completed

    For future reference, I want to say that I found a pretty cool coroutine wrapper already scripted that allows you to check if a coroutine is finished, if it's running, etc. You can also pause the execution. It's in this thread, you just need to create a script and add it to your project...
  2. L

    Wait until coroutine is completed

    Hi, I want my tasks to return sucess only once a coroutine has actually ended (like a yield return). Something like this: public class MyAction : Action { [RequiredField] public SharedMyClass myClass; public override TaskStatus OnUpdate() { //My coroutine yield...
  3. L

    Question on the repeater task

    Well, that's what I thought, but it doesn't work. After you enter the repeaters, any node with an abort type that is above the repeaters doesn't seem to have any effect any more. I used my initial tree, and just like you told me, I set <my first sequence node after the entry point> to an abort...
  4. L

    Behavior tree still active after death

    I'm not part of the Opsive team, but you could just stop the BT when the character is dead. There's a node in actions called StopBehaviourTree, and you can also call it from a script. You could probably disable the component too.
  5. L

    Question on the repeater task

    I'm having a hard time with the repeat task.