Recent content by Laocoon7

  1. L

    "Duration" Ability / AttributeModifiers and a weird collider issue

    I'll probably have to dig into this more... I was keeping a count of OnTriggerEnter/Exit and it was working then, but I had issues where if I clicked fast enough, the initial collisions wouldn't register and the item would be built in an invalid location. I may have to OnTriggerStay with a...
  2. L

    "Duration" Ability / AttributeModifiers and a weird collider issue

    I have three mostly related topics. Part 1: Currently, the EnableModifier(bool enable) will only spend the Attribute if m_ValueChange != 0. When writing an ability which costs "Mana" setting the attribute's m_ValueChange in the inspector causes the mana to be removed as the ability starts. When...
  3. L

    Character Setup ItemUser before Inventory

    Inventory Manager -> Setup -> Character Setup Point to an empty GameObject and click Add Components. Inventory script gets added before ItemUser. If the item is selected as the editor quits, the CustomEditor tries to Initialize the Inventory script before ItemUser is available. This causes a...
  4. L

    Jump Animation/Ability in "Maximize On Play"

    I'll look over them again. I know it's missing the ability changes as I logged the parameters and can extrapolate which animations/abilities are being called. However, what causes a transition to act differently between playing in editor and maximize on play? Edit: So, the...
  5. L

    Jump Animation/Ability in "Maximize On Play"

    I've been rewriting the ThirdPersonController AnimatorController. My character controller is TopDown, and I'm using the Combat Animations. I have written the entire base layer without Aim/Bow/Crouch animations. Jump works as intended 100% of the time while the Animator window is closed, or...
  6. L

    Spawn UCC prefab, switch between AI and playable

    Manager using Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Camera; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; public class HotSwapManager : MonoBehaviour { #region Singleton private static HotSwapManager s_Instance; private static HotSwapManager Instance { get...
  7. L

    Spawn UCC prefab, switch between AI and playable

    I stuck as close as I could to UCC coding standards and wrote a component/manager version without any of the spawn code. A manager is still needed for keeping track of the CurrentPlayer. I'm sure I've missed a few things, the RequireComponents are there mainly to make sure...
  8. L

    UCC & UIS integration conflict with each other

    I understand you refactored the Behavior Designer/Integrations/UltimateCharacterController/Scripts/SharedItemDefinition.cs into SharedItemDefinitionBase.cs importing the UCC integration for Behavior Designer still wants to import SharedItemDefinition.cs As does UltimateInventorySystem's...
  9. L

    UCC & UIS integration conflict with each other

    I downloaded the UCC integration today, both SharedItemDefinition and SharedItemDefinitionBase are in the Scripts folder. Still need to remove the SharedItemDefinition file.
  10. L

    Co-op Split-Screen Inventory

    I just picked up UTPC and UIS and wanted to give a +1 for an Input System integration for UIS incase it helps bump the priority more. :p