Recent content by Junior_Djjr

  1. Junior_Djjr

    Weapon aim IK not working with FinalIK

    I asked for something very simple, at least tell me where, which file or function does this control. You are able to answer me with a message shorter than this. In fact, there is a possibility that this may not have even changed in v3.
  2. Junior_Djjr

    Weapon aim IK not working with FinalIK

    I was being using FinalIK integration with UCC v2 for months, but magically, I don't know how and when, the gun stopped being pointed in the direction I'm aiming (all IK is working, but the gun isn't pointing correctly up/down etc), and I have no idea how the UCC actually performs this movement...
  3. Junior_Djjr

    IMPUNES: GTA-like game

    What I actually did was take Nolan and build it at runtime in the same way, comparing side by side. This took days and still some things are missing (like some states), it seems to me that UCC was not meant to be built at runtime but works. So Ultimate Character Locomotion component is almost...
  4. Junior_Djjr

    IMPUNES: GTA-like game

    I still haven't worked on Behavior Trees (only some tests), it's still very early. I still don't know if I'm going to try to have as few components as possible and keep adding and removing them, or continue as it is now (all added but disabled). It uses same prefab as player.
  5. Junior_Djjr

    IMPUNES: GTA-like game

    Really helps. From 7.37 ms to 4.95 ms for 50 characters if I just remove weapons, jump etc, keeping the minimal for normal pedestrians (i5 9600KF). Still not good, but not terrible. edit: forgot to remove some more stuff, about 4.7 ms now. edit: removed IK, 3.6 ms now.
  6. Junior_Djjr

    IMPUNES: GTA-like game

    I'm thinking of using some DOTS/ECS in my game, probably for distant cars and people (i.e. minimal representation of fake cars far away from you, like GTA V does, then we always keep processing distant cars with a minimal load, and render a LOD silhuete there), but I'm still a noob in this...
  7. Junior_Djjr

    IMPUNES: GTA-like game

    What do you mean? DOTS Animation? Would this be helpful for UCC? I haven't been following. Googling around some time ago I saw people saying the same thing, disabling IK helps and maybe the cause is too animations inside it so we can try to remove them and use Animancer (I'm already using...
  8. Junior_Djjr

    IMPUNES: GTA-like game

    I'm creating a GTA-like game with a small team using Opsive assets. Still only 7 months of work, lots of placeholders (mostly the map, that will be reformulated). More info here. I'm using Third Person Character Controller 2 (manually tweaked by me, mostly locomotion/animations), animations...
  9. Junior_Djjr

    How to stop quick start animation right after key up

    In fact, looks like it was fixed by just adding "m_EventStop = true;" to "OnMoving" when not moving. private void OnMoving(bool moving) { if (!moving) { // The ability can't start until the character is no longer moving. This will prevent the ability from starting repeatedly...
  10. Junior_Djjr

    How to stop quick start animation right after key up

    Me too, I managed partially by creating a transition in the animation controller that exits if the button is not pressed, but this caused other problems, as it made the end animation event not complete. And if I pull the event at the start, the animation will be cut. It's a very bad problem...
  11. Junior_Djjr

    Physics bugs by touching bounce materials

    In the bug video the character was 10.0 and ball 0.1. With character 10.0 and ball 0.01 the impact was so strong that it teleported 1000 meters almost instantly. The values don't make much sense. If anyone wants, test it on your own project to confirm that it's the same as mine, otherwise some...
  12. Junior_Djjr

    Physics bugs by touching bounce materials

    Thanks, it was fixed, for example ball 1.0 and character 3.0. Luckily for now I only have the ball and a car in the game to adjust their mass. But it's funny how the character still makes a little jump reaction when the ball touches him (even slowly), like he's getting scared with the ball...
  13. Junior_Djjr

    Physics bugs by touching bounce materials

    If I create a ball with bouncy material "1.0" and mass "0.1", it works like a ball, but when touching it with character, it instantly teleports 1000 meters. But this is not the real problem, because if I use mass "1.0", the problem is reduced considerably, but not completely solved and not a...
  14. Junior_Djjr

    Puppet Master causes jittering

    It's a pity that even after months the problem still hasn't really been solved. The Puppet Master dev said (his forum is private but I believe there is no problem with messages like this): It's an important integration, you guys should work on it. Apparently any other asset that also needs...
  15. Junior_Djjr

    Climbing Pack to any wall? (procedurally / automatically)

    Sad, so I'll have to have some work creating my own... if there's no alternative. Thanks for the reply.