Recent content by Genmnij

  1. G

    Question about Melee Attack Combo

    This part, the selector only provide sequence, and it wont reset to the first one if the sequence stops in the middle.
  2. G

    Animation failed to exit correctly

    What if we just remove aim idle animation from the animator?
  3. G

    Animation failed to exit correctly

    I made a combo like animation set and it kinda works. The problem is when I press attack button too many times the animation will freeze at the end, cannot exit back to entry; while press it slow and precisely wont cause the problem. Need help!
  4. G

    Question about Melee Attack Combo

    Though selector can change sub states by sequence, but it wont reset to default if I stop the chain in the middle.
  5. G

    Can I disable movement during certain ability (like attack with weapon)

    I replaced animations and nolan can move with rootmotion, but the camera (character yaw) is not following the input axis now. I am using third person combat locomotion.
  6. G

    How to debug Animator?

    For some reason I cannot see what's going on with my character's animator like what I did before with previous project. Without doing so Icannot debug the project easily so I wonder what I can do to fix this? Thanks!
  7. G

    Can I disable movement during certain ability (like attack with weapon)

    Thanks! I toggled root motion for movement and attacking stops moving. However if I also toggle the rotation rootmotion the character is not able to turn left or right, I press A or D the character just moves forward.
  8. G

    Can I disable movement during certain ability (like attack with weapon)

    I just started using UTPM, I checked through options and did not find a place to disable movement during attack. Do I need to do this by coding? Thanks!
  9. G

    Failed Implementation

    I got it from Unity Store.
  10. G

    Failed Implementation

    Failed to import package with error: Couldn't decompress package UnityEditor.Web.JSProxyMgr:DoTasks() This is one warning I receive after import.
  11. G

    Failed Implementation

    After implementation I could not see the pop up asking for settings to update and 200+ non fatal errors pop up. I am using Unity 2018.1.1, tried start brand new projects and redownload the asset but no effects. I have no idea how to proceed now and need help.