Recent content by ElRafaVaz

  1. E

    Dynamically Adding Scripts to items in inventory

    Thank you so much for the advice! Both options make sense to me :)
  2. E

    Dynamically Adding Scripts to items in inventory

    Hi everybody, I'm looking for a way to add monobehaviours on the creation of items in the inventory. I'm working on a game that includes synergies between items in the inventory (in the same vein of Backpack battles ) and the easiest way to do...
  3. E

    [Feature Request] A script that allows for us to rotate shape items in inventory

    Hi Opsive, I've been having fun exploring the shape inventory system and I think it is quite powerful! One thing I would request for a future release however is the ability to rotate shape items in the inventory (i.e. rotate their ItemShape so you can try and fit more stuff). It would be...