Recent content by dasjlm

  1. D

    Getting error with UCC integration on 1.7.1 and Third Person Controller 2.3.5

    I was able to get it to work on new project with no issues, but deleting UCC and BD folders and reinstall on existing project did not work. Might be conflict with another product? Think I install products on new project to see what happens. Anyone I can proceed that was as fairly new project.
  2. D

    Getting error with UCC integration on 1.7.1 and Third Person Controller 2.3.5

    Errors like following: Assets\Behavior Designer\Integrations\UltimateCharacterController\Scripts\Tasks\StartStopInteract.cs(24,28): error CS0039: Cannot convert type 'Ability' to 'Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Character.Abilities.Interact' via a reference conversion, boxing conversion...
  3. D

    Running down hill player seems to travel too far in air

    That didn't seem to help. Turned out reducing the air force multiplier worked for me.
  4. D

    Running down hill player seems to travel too far in air

    I assume just a setting. Seems if player runs downhill over a bit of bump player goes in the air and keeps moving forward in the air longer than it should. I assume I need to adjust a parm of two. Just not sure what I should try. Perhaps motor force on slope? Any suggestions?
  5. D

    Turning while speed change active

    Interesting. I didn't set up rotate. So are you saying the player needs to use rotate when running instead of turn?
  6. D

    Turning while speed change active

    For now I got around the issue by updating the rotation speed in the AbilityStarted in the SpeedChange script. ie: m_CharacterLocomotion.MotorRotationSpeed = 10f; // JLM TEST I save the normal speed first then restore it when the ability is stopped. Will do for the purpose of my game...
  7. D

    Turning while speed change active

    Put some debug logs in the base before and after ApplyRotation and confirmed there is a difference if speed change is on. Not sure why yet.
  8. D

    Turning while speed change active

    Might have spoke too soon. Problem is back. Seems my rewired change had a issue. Anyway still can't get the turn and speed change to work together. Will keep testing.
  9. D

    Turning while speed change active

    Figured it out. The A and D setup should be buttons not axis. Once I changed that works. Knew it had to be something silly.
  10. D

    Turning while speed change active

    I increased the RPG turn speed from 1.5 to 5 and the player does turn faster and of course I could make it faster but then when speed change is not on would be turning way too fast. Perhaps I need to modify that value on the fly when speed change is active?
  11. D

    Turning while speed change active

    I just noticed the player is turning but super slow. I mean barely. So it seems the rotation speed is affected by the speed change ability. I'll dig into a bit now that I have a bit of a clue?
  12. D

    Turning while speed change active

    I'm using a RPG player. I have speed change set up and working with a button held down and stopped on button up. I set it up as with no movement required as I'd like it to stay active if player turns right or left. My problem is I can't turn to player as long as the speed change button is...
  13. D

    No look source when changing scene when using UCC char with AC

    I commenting out the error triggered in the editor as that seemed to stop things. The CameraController code continues and does looks for the player and assigns it okay. I suspect it's a timing issue of some kind. Perhaps a editor warning instead of error would be better.
  14. D

    No look source when changing scene when using UCC char with AC

    I'm having a problem switching scenes. And seems to be a catch 22. If I set the CameraController to InitOnAwake it doesn't work in the second scene. I can see the UCC char in the scene hierarchy but the CameraController has null for the character. I get the impression that since the UCC char...
  15. D

    Changing state by code

    The following example code from your site gives me an error. I assume your aware it doesn't work as is as the GetType is a problem. using UnityEngine; using Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Camera; using Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Utility; public class MyObject : MonoBehaviour {...