Recent content by comangallc

  1. C

    RideAble How

    Yeah basically I followed your tutorail for melee weapons then made the ride character based on the manual
  2. C

    RideAble How

    The issue I have is this EventHandler.GetActionList error: target object cannot be null. UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object) Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Events.EventHandler:GetActionList(Object, String) (at Assets/Opsive/UltimateCharacterController/Scripts/Events/EventHandler.cs:152)...
  3. C

    RideAble How

    I read the manual its to vague & this is one of the best new features & there isn't a tutorial. I copied the horse from the demo, & I copied the player everything. This is a new very important feature that I need someone tell me how to use it before I have to regret the upgrade
  4. C

    Malber's Horse Animset Pro

    I was wondering has that update been released for UCC 2 or can I just use the UCC2 to make a ride able character
  5. C

    Camera wont allow me to see a thing when I zoom in 3rd Person Combat

    does anyone understand this issue when I zoom in I can't see the character or the gun while in third person Warning: The Third Person Combat MovementType is active while the ViewType recommends using...