Recent content by ChargerIIC

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    Emerald AI Integration

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    Emerald AI Integration

    Where can I find the files for this integration? I don't see a link in the PDF
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    Programmatic movement

    I have a portion of the game where I need to pass control of the player (using UCC) to the game. Essentially having them 'walk' to a predesignated coordinate. I tried using the MoveTowards ability, but the player just slides towards the target without animating. How can we move the character in...
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    Dialogue System for Unity - using Interactable?

    So I was troubleshooting an issue between Opsive's UTPC and Pixel Crusher's Dialogue System for Unity's Selector component and it was mentioned that I might be better off triggering the dialogues using Opsive's Interactable system. Is there a guide or instructions on how this could be achieved?
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    Rucksack Integration

    Does this mean that Opsive has decided against Rucksack integration?
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    Turned off Locomotion and turned it back on - Now no animation?

    Thanks - it helped me figure out what I needed to do. If anyone else is trying to figure out a similar issue I had to make the following changes: When in the Character Creator, I leave the Ultimate Character Locomotion Manager enabled but set the movement mode to 'Idle'. When Idle, the...
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    Turned off Locomotion and turned it back on - Now no animation?

    I have a scene which is a character creator. Since I don't want the character to wander off during the process (or have the UTPC controller take control away from the UI), I disabled the UltimateCharacterLocomotion and UltimateCharacterLocomotionHandler component and passed the...
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    UMA integration question - Can I use a humanoid avatar?

    Is there a way to enable the humanoid option in the editor?
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    UMA integration question - Can I use a humanoid avatar?

    I wanted to use the UMA integration with Ultimate Third Person Controller and followed the steps given in the guide to pre-build the bones. I was surprised to see I could only select the 'generic' option and not the humanoid option. It seemed weird since it locks me out of some of UMA's more...