Recent content by AmmarByFar

  1. AmmarByFar

    Question about sharing my Unity Project under version control (with GIT or Unity Collaborate)

    Thank you! Looks like I'm either going to purchase another seat or potentially see if I can have team members work on separate projects and then merge the new features in later.
  2. AmmarByFar

    Question about sharing my Unity Project under version control (with GIT or Unity Collaborate)

    I understand that there needs to be additional seats purchased for additional team members who want to work on Opsive tools. My question is that is it possible for me to share my project via GIT or Unity Collab to another team member who will NOT be working on Opsive stuff and still be able to...
  3. AmmarByFar

    Stop PUN addon from syncing world objects. Only sync third-Person character

    Thank you for the answer! Turns out I was forgetting to do a check of GameObject<PhotonView>().IsMine within the OnTrigger, so anyone who collided would have the world objects deactivate for everyone else.
  4. AmmarByFar

    Stop PUN addon from syncing world objects. Only sync third-Person character

    I recently purchased UTPS along with the PUN addon and was able to get everything working correctly. However I've got various groups of objects that I'm either activating and deactivating based on where the player is, to save on memory resources. These are world objects like walls, buildings...