Recent content by AmbientLion

  1. A

    Concurrent Abilities vs Ability Blocking

    I'm noticing that the MoveTowards ability override the ShouldBlockAbilityStart method, and prevents all non-item abilities from starting if they are lower than it in the ability stack. However, I also see that there is an overridable property IsConcurrent:bool, which is documented as allowing an...
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    Bug: Point-and-Click Doesn't Check if Pointer is over UI Elements

    There seems to be a bug in the implementation of the PointClick movement type, where clicks on UI elements that appear over other game objects (like terrain, characters, etc) are not correctly blocked. It looks like this is a relatively simple fix in [PointClick.cs @ GetInputVector()] At line...
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    LookAt Behavior Doesn't Support SphereCast Detection

    I'm using the UCC (v 2.4.8) and trying to get the LookAt character behavior to work with the SphereCast detection option. It looks like the only detection mode for LookAt that currently works is Trigger based. Is there a supported way to get LookAt to use SphereCast? It's possible to configure...
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    Nolan Character Falls Through Floor (even in Demo Scene)

    Here's the order in which I was able to reproduce this problem: 1. Create a new Unity SRP project from template 2. Import the Opsive Ultimate Character Controller package 3. Open Demo scene; [Play]. (everything works at this point) 4. Upgrade the project to use HDRP (via directions here: link)...
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    Nolan Character Falls Through Floor (even in Demo Scene)

    I've started using the Opsive Ultimate Character controller, and am running into an issue where the Nolan character falls through the floor. This happens even in the standard demo scene. I'm using Unity 2020.3.22f1 with HDRP and the latest UCC available on the asset store. The problem seems to...