Recent content by adrenal36

  1. A

    UCC + Puppet Master + Final IK FBBIK Grounder not working together

    I added a secondary aim IK solver, that is used only when 2 aim ik components are present on the character which allows the character to dual wield, i named de variable s_AimIK, and set the solver to search for the left hand tag all details can be found here...
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    UCC + Puppet Master + Final IK FBBIK Grounder not working together

    Hey, Justin, I also have made a modification to the FinalIKBridge, some time ago, that allows the character to dual wield weapons with final ik ( aim ik ), I am now adding this mod and will probably look over it in detail, if you want we can sync up on discord and show you the changes we made to...
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    Strange Bug in Animator in 2019.3.15f

    if you find a solution to this issue i would like to also know-it
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    cinemachine integration help

    I am trying to test out cinemachine as the main camera, and from what I saw in the integration documentation it can be setup as the main character camera ( it has look ahead distance and everything), my main isssue is that i don`t know how to make the cinemachine camera take the correct...
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    setting up final ik aim ik for dual wield pistols ( smgs)

    @Justin I made an ommission with my script, and I don`t know how to attribute the correct fire point transform to the aim ik component. this is how it looks like and it should look like this( i made the change manually during runtime) it would be awesome if you would give me a tip on how...
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    is raycast projectile built-in or should i build my own ?

    ok, my bad, the projectile has a rigidbody attached and i was thinking it was using physics, but after looking carefully into it i see my mistake
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    is raycast projectile built-in or should i build my own ?

    @Justin I updated my project and checked the release notes, It still seems there is no clear option for raycast projectiles, am I missing something?
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    is raycast projectile built-in or should i build my own ?

    Thank you Justin, this is awesome to hear.
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    is raycast projectile built-in or should i build my own ?

    I saw here that projectile objects can be used with hitscan and not necesarily a rigidbody, but i cannot find any options for building such projectiles with the object builder menu and no documentation on how to do-it manually ( in the link i gave it talks most about adding the visual trajectory...
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    setting up final ik aim ik for dual wield pistols ( smgs)

    I modified the bridge to work with more than one aim ik components and copy pasted the functions from the second component, now dual wield weapons work perfectly with aim ik :) here is a shot from the get components part ( i have also atached the full script.
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    setting up final ik aim ik for dual wield pistols ( smgs)

    thanks, i will leave the thread unsolved until I find a solution and i will post-it here
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    setting up final ik aim ik for dual wield pistols ( smgs)

    can i set-it up so that both aim transforms look at the same target at least?
  13. A

    setting up final ik aim ik for dual wield pistols ( smgs)

    i want to make my character dual wield pistols with aim ik like in this video i have set up the right hand with the spine and arm bones and the left hand with only the arm bones ( as it suggests in the video) in final ik bridge i see there is a single aim ik component, should i modify the...
  14. A

    Using UCC for a third person only game character cannot be customised

    Thank you, this was it, could you explain the reasoning behind creating animator from scratch, my whole plan was to replace animations in the existing animator and maybe clean-up the states I don`t use after I finish the project.
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    Using UCC for a third person only game character cannot be customised

    I redid everything from scratch following the tutorials and I have the same issue, in my scene even Nolan is stuck to the combat movement rather than adventure, this with both characters configured for adventure, when i try runing nolan in the demo scene he is defaulted to adventure movement i...