UFPS, Unity 2019.3 abilities not working except for Speed Change


New member

I cant use any ability except Speed Change

Using 2019.3 with UFPS, no character animator. I did press Update Buttons in the Setup

Did anyone have this issue?
What abilities have you added? For the jump ability make sure you don't wait for an event:

Unchecking Wait for Animation worked for the jump thanks!
But 'Height Change' ability is still not working and I noticed 'Fall' ability says (Active) all the time except for during jump; even while I am running on the terrain. Could that be the reason for crouch not working?
Did you select the collider to ensure HeightChange is not working? You will need to use the state system in order to move the camera, but the collider should adjust based on the Capsule Collider Height Adjustment value. The default layer for the terrain is fine.
Here is a simple demo scene that was created fresh a fresh character. You could use it to compare what is different about your character.


  • firstperson.unitypackage
    7.2 KB · Views: 4