UCC and multiplayer


New member
Is there a way for making UCC work with unity's built in solution for multiplayer? I've made a project previously using NGO that worked really well. Would like to use UCC in this project but not use PUN.

The problem I'm initially getting is that the camera cannot point to a prefab.

When the player is spawned in from the network it throws an error "unable to find the character witht the Player tag."
The prefab does infact have the player tag. So even though the console warning says it will be automatically be assigned to the gameobject with the player tag it does not do so.

How would I go about approaching this problem?
Multiplayer is a huge topic and there's not a straight forward integration. You will need to implement the interfaces within the Networking namespace. Eventually we'll have a Netcode for GameObjects solution, but it likely will be awhile before there is something released. If you want to approach it yourself I recommend taking a look at the PUN integration as you'll be able to step through the code for how it works.