Problems with configuring hands


New member

I'm still a little new to Unity so the answer may be obvious, but I'm having a problem aligning the hands and gun in first person view. I've watched the videos and tried to imitate the demo scene with Nolan except with a different rigged character. There are two problems I'm having.

1. The hands and the gun don't rotate vertically together. Here's some pictures.



2. I can't reposition the hands inside of the first person camera. I pause the game and move the arms, but whenever I hit play the arms always snap back into place. Because of this, any position I set during the scene view has no effect.



If you're just getting started, have you tried first getting the character working using the built-in assets? This will show you the workflow:

It's tough to say what is going on but it almost looks like your weapon isn't parented to the correct transform. With the assault rifle it should be parented to the Slot 0 in the character's right hand.
Ok, so I think the problem was that the 3rd person animator was somehow controlling my First person objects. I was using the same Avatar and Animator Controller on both. I'm still not sure why that was the case, but when I explicitly created a new Avatar for the first person hands, it fixed things.