Item slot not visible in shop UI


New member
I have this weird bug and I can't find a way to solve it.

When opening the Sell screen in the Shop Menu, it acts like this:
- If I have one item in my inventory, it shows none.
- If I have 2 items, it shows only the first one.
- When having 3 or more items, it works as expected.
- If I press the Sell button a second time, the missing item appears.
- The Buy screen works fine.

As far as I know I didn't touch anything except changing some UI images with my own. I tried to create a new Shop in the UIDesigner but didn't solve it.

I'm using version 1.1.4 on Unity 2019.4.4f1.

Thank you!
... I'm not sure what to say, I tried to replicated the issue in the demo scene and even in a new scene with a shop menu created from the UI Designer.... everything works fine.

V1.1.5 will come out soon. Perhaps it will magically fix your issue (Unity can be weird sometimes)