HowTo get this 1st person scope view in 3rd


Image A

Image B

Image C


Image A (1st person scope - aiming)
Image B (3rd person regular - no aim)
Image C (3rd person regular - aiming)

Can you give some advice/options on how to get the view in "image A" as a third person person view, but still keep the view "image B".

I dont need help on the coding end.

What I am trying to do.

1. When aiming weapon without scope (or just shooting without aiming), just use view as it is working now (image B or C).
2. When aiming with scope, I would like to use the view from image A.

Is this something along the lines of setting up a new view type?

What I don't want to do - add 1st person to my character (if possible - unless above is a huge amount of effort/knowledge/work)


EDIT: I already have custom scope shaders setup.
EDIT EDIT: I have cinemachine installed, would this be something to use with virtual camera's?
I think going with a new ViewType is the correct approach. You'll want to position the viewtype so it is anchored on the assault rifle. I like this idea overall idea so will try to include it in version 2.3.
Okay, so will that be locked to the sniper scope if I set it as target? Because changing the look offset and anchor the scope did not work, alot of clipping and sway
Create completely new or add some of the existing ones like transition or ?


oh I see, I need to make a completely new. I dont know if I have the skills enough how to get it to follow the Scope and works as intended.. Saw your example in the docs of an stationary camera, but then again it need to inherit the mouse movement and target the scope, and also follow when the character crouch...

thats something that should be included btw, that the maincamera (character camera) follow the character as he crouches or crawling..

Edit again:

my bad, I assigned the head as anchor so now it feels more awesome when the camera follows for real....
this last went a bit off topic but still relateable
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