How to move slower while crouched?


Was attempting to make my character move slower when crouched. I tried creating a state in my locomotion component that would decrease the acceleration speed, but not sure how to activate that when crouched.

Was following this post: but got a little confusing. My character can walk, sprint and crouch. I see I can't change the acceleration speed while the "Height Change" is active, so wondering what the best way to do this is?
You can change the Motor Acceleration speed by using the state system and then change that when the Height Change ability is active. If you are using root motion then the speed is based on the animations.
Gotcha. So I tried creating a state that changes my Motor Acceleration, but it wont allow me to enter that state in the "Height Change" area.
You can set Height Change on the State field of the ability. In the demo scene we have it called Crouch.
I'm trying to add a crouch state that changes the acceleration in the height change ability, but this wont work correct? I don't see the acceleration option. The end goal is to make the character move slower when crouched. Just want to make sure I understand. Thanks!
If you haven't seen it I recommend taking a look at the state system video:

You can set "Crouch" to the Height Change ability's State parameter, and then on the Ultimate Character Locomotion create a new state that adjusts the acceleration when the Crouch state is active.