Help Getting Started, Please.


New member
Hi so i purchased this today and i have spent about 13 hours just trying to set up my basic movement on the original character with the weapon animations. although i couldn't get past any of that and just don't understand how to use this. First problem is that when i walk in first person my arms aren't visible (yes ik they arent meant to be but is there a way they could be) 2nd the items in the documentation have all their respective inputs into the item manager once done how do i use or test weapons. there is no start to finish tutorial so im just a bit stuck.
The first person arms are only visible by default if a weapon is equipped. In general I would recommend to take a close look at the demo first, to understand how it is set up, and how the weapons work. Then follow step by step the videos on setting up the character and the assault rifle or sword. The videos should give you a good starting point, and provide all you need from start to item use. Otherwise, we need some more context on where exactly you get stuck.