Default Item Set in Second Item Category Not Equipping

I'm trying to do a "Sword and Shield Category Setup" (from the Item Sets Documentation page). Right now, I've got my weapon from the first item category equipping its default set when the game starts, but I can't get the default item set from my shield category to equip or become active.
I have the item in my default inventory loadout, it is enabled, and set to be the default. And there's nothing else in that slot (Slot 1 in the left hand). There isn't even another item set in the category (I'm not sure if its related, but when I have an empty second item set I get a NullReferenceException at line 204 of ItemSet.cs). I've tried watching the videos, but I can't find what the problem is.
Have you added an EquipUnequip for each separate ItemSet Category? When you add that ability there's an "ItemSet Category" property that you can define. Even if you don't want to actually have the character manually change item equip for that category, I'm pretty sure that ability still needs to exist for this kind of thing.