cursor with IK


New member
I have an issue where the character's IK (Inverse Kinematics) constantly moves according to mouse movement - considering the direction they're looking at and using a pseudo-3D camera angle. In the game I'm working on, the mouse movement shouldn't have any effect on my character. How can I disable this? I've tried a few things through input, but haven't succeeded yet. Is there a bool or method I can use to turn this off? I asked for wrong topic this question and you say "You can set the weights on the CharacterIK component to zero." If I implement this solution you're mentioning, wouldn't it affect the other abilities I use? For instance, wouldn't there be an issue with abilities utilizing IK if these values are zero? Also, yesterday while working on this matter, I made some minor modifications to the GetDefaultLookAtPosition() method within the CharacterIK component. I adjusted this method to return the value of an empty object placed within the character. This change actually provided the solution I desired, but I'm not entirely certain if this method I used might impact other abilities. Is there any evident issue in the approach I described or the solution you've provided that might potentially affect other functionalities I use?
You can use the state system to have different weights based on the item/ability. If modifying the look at position works then there's no reason not to use that solution.