Couldn't find the Event


I replaced or added some animations for equipping and unequipping; everything works fine, and the event system works as well.

But I replaced one animation, "Equip From Idle," for "knife." My animation has only one event "ExecuteEvent" and its string is "OnAnimatorItemEquip" as described in documentation. but another event with the same string "OnAnimatorItemEquip" is executing on a specfic time, dosn't matter my event triggers earlier or late, the animator is changing "Slot0ItemStateIndex" for other event trigger, not mine.
Even I delted and created new step but sill.... ?
How I can find and fix it?

FYI. I am equiping and unequiping item via script..
var equipUnequip = characterLocomotion.GetAbility<EquipUnequip>();
            if (equipUnequip != null)

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This is more of a Unity question but my guess is that you still have the event somewhere and that's triggering the method. On the Animator Monitor you can enable logging on the events but I am not aware of a way to list all events within Unity. The only way that I know how is to do a grep on the animation meta files for the event name.