Cost of multiple Interact abilities


Active member

Just a general question about stacking multiple Interact abilities on my player to interact with different type of objects. Will having say 10 Interact abilities active on a player be significantly more expensive than say 2 or 3?
I should add that I generally use CharacterCast, only detect a specific layer at a time, and have a cast distance of about 3.

Thanks as always,
CharacterCast is not the cheapest trigger type (it'll use a capsule cast if your character uses a capsule collider) but unless these interacts are getting checked constantly there's no reason it should be an issue. The only way to know for sure is to profile in-game, but I can't imagine it being significant.
Ok thanks, Andrew

Yeah, the checks are sparse. I was just wondering if having unique casts for all kinds of items would be an oversight, but you’re right, the only way to really know is run some tests. But I feel like your answer gave me a good start.