[BUG] Unable to add any Properties to FirstPersonShootableWeaponProperties Preset


Active member
1. This is with the First Person Controller variant of the UCC (Version 2.2.1, Release Date: 05/04/2020)
2. Unity Version: 2019.3.12f1
3. Steps to Reproduce: Click on Add to List of FirstPersonShootableWeaponProperties States
4) Select newly created Preset, and 'Add Preoperty...' is greyed out

The FirstPersonShootableWeapon component doesn't have any properties that you can add. All of the fields for that component are local to the character so cannot be saved at the project level.
But of you view the default ones under any state configuration, they have properties for muzzle flash location, fire point location, etc. I'm writing a weapons attachment module, and need to be able to change the muzzle flash location, for items such as suppressors and muzzle brakes.
The properties component inherits the StateMonoBehaviour component further up the chain so that's why it exists, not necessarily that any states can be set. No states can be set because you cannot reference scene level objects within a project level asset. For your situation you'll want to create a new script that manages the locations independently of the state system. There are properties you can access, just not serialize.