Best way to lock character/ stop movement?


New member
In my project, the character can interact with a couple of things in the scene. Such interacting with an object, talking to an NPC with a dialog box or activating a cutscene.

What's the best way to lock the character in place/ disable input from player and have the character just play idle animation when something like a dialog box is triggered and the player needs to wait till dialog finishes or cutscene ends for example?

I know there are many ways to achieve this but, I feel like there is a proper and simple solution to this other than what I have been doing. I just can't seem to find it.

I tried the restrict position and rotation abilities, setting movement values all to 0, disabling the locomotion component entirely (which is definitely not the right way of doing this.)

I just know there is a simple one-step toggle somewhere that handles this in the controller. There has to be. I just can't find it. Where do I look? I wanna set this up the way it was supposed to be. Not use some hack solution. Tips?
Isn't there a check box on your interact ability for each of allow positional and rotational inputs? Also, if you need to be in a specify place, use the move toward ability as indicated in the demo abilities like push button.