Add keyboard keys for weapon Switching


New member
I have more than 10 weapons added to my player. By default the first slot item gets equipped when 1 is pressed and second slot when 2 is pressed and so on till 10 weapons. How to add more key mappings from keyboard? (Like eg when I press "-" key the 11th slot weapon gets equipped "=" key the 12th slot weapon gets equipped)
In the "Equip Unequip" item ability, you can add any number of input names in the array, and they'll be ordered to match the slot number. You'd then need to make sure that these input names are setup in your input manager.
Yes I tried doing the same but I am still not able to switch more than 10 weapons(just 0-9 mapped weapons work).Others donot.
You'll need to make sure you add the new key bindings within the Input Manager (or whichever input integration you are using).