Why is my stats script interfering with Behavior Designer?

It's extremely tough to say but I would check a few things with that script enabled:

1. There is a destination set for your navmeshagent
2. Your navmeshagent has a positive speed
3. If using root motion then your animations have a positive speed.
Ended up being nothing to do with the script.

It was that the remainingDistance on my NavMeshAgent was 2, but the Wander_Action arriveDistance was 0.2.

       protected override bool HasArrived()

            return remainingDistance <= arriveDistance.Value;

Always returned false.

Therefore, the NavMeshAgent always stopped within 2 of the target position, not allowing the Action to trigger the arriveDistance.

This also explains why when monkeying with all sort of variables in my animations, its seemed (due to low acceleration but high speed), if a unit overshot its destination target, it would reset, and then wander again.

However, if it were able to stop, it would also stop wandering.
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