Where are all the UFPS inputs?

Hello, I have a custom input solution and I want to know where all the UFPS inputs are. Like the where the Input.GetKey stuff is.
You can see all of the inputs within Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Editor.Utility.CharacterInputBuilder.
Unfortunately not what i'm looking for. That simply adds the controls to unity's standard input. How my system works is by changing Input.GetKey to bl_Input.GetKey. Does UFPS not use Input.GetKey?
Your character will need any PlayerInput subclass (e.g. UnityInput in the demo scene) component, which will use an InputBase subclass for getting axis and button inputs. This would be StandaloneInput for normal (non-virtual) controls. StandaloneInput has methods like GetAxis and GetButton which are what you're looking for.