v3: How do I set up Dynamic Gravity triggers correctly?


I'm having difficulty getting a state trigger component to function correctly for my custom character. Specifically, I'm attempting to implement dynamic gravity when my character enters the trigger, but the Align to Gravity Zone and Align to Ground states fail to activate.

I noticed the State Name in the component is set to "DynamicGravity." Do I need to enter this state name somewhere within my character? Furthermore, the trigger functions properly for the demo "Atlas" prefab character in my scene, but not for my custom character. I'm unsure of what I'm overlooking during setup.
On Discord DankP3 answered my question: "so for example the state trigger with the state DynamicGravity sets that specific state on the character. If you look at the AlignToGround ability on the character: 1. you will see it is disabled by default; 2. click on it to expose the state section of that specific ability - add a preset with the state name "DynamicGravity" and select "enabled" on the preset and set it to true. This will activate said ability in the trigger zone. If this answers your question perhaps indicate so in the forum post to save the dev time."
Also, I replied, "Thanks, I see what I did... I'm trying to keep presets organized, by duplicating the demo ones and renaming them... this caused one to not have the same exact state name "DynamicGravity." - Ok, I'll mention this in the forum."