Unity NavMesh Components and BD


New member
Hello everyone,
Does BD work with "NavMesh Components" provided by Unity through their GitHub?
Can we use different agent types, surfaces and the new NavMesh Links?

I made a simple test and can't say it is working but it wants to work:)
BD AI can wander around a navmesh baked by the new components but it is totally unpredictable.
AI tries to wander out of navmesh area, doesn't care about NavMesh Links and agent types.
So it is not working or I couldn't make it work (I'm new to navmesh components)
Do you have any plans to support the new components?
Do you think it is possible to make it work by editing the BD source or does it require changes to the editor as well?

I want to ask if there has been any improvements on this?
Will BD work with "NavMesh Components"?

I currently don't have an update on this. I have started on a major update to the core Behavior Designer asset so when this is out I plan on taking another look at the Movement Pack and seeing what makes sense to integrate with.